Coupon codes help ecommerce businesses and more to drive sales and engage shoppers. From attracting new buyers to rewarding loyal customers, the right coupon code can make all the difference. This article will help you explore various catchy coupon code ideas to improve yourcoupon marketing strategy, make your business stand out, and drive results.

The Power of a Good Coupon Code

Coupon codes are more than just discounts; they are a strategic way to influence customer behavior. When used well, they can:

  • Attract new customers: coupon codes can convince potential customers who are on the fence about making a purchase. By offering a discount or special deal, you reduce the perceived risk and cost barrier for first-time buyers. This makes it easier for them to try your product or service.
  • Retain existing customers: offering exclusive discounts to existing customers can create loyalty and make them feel valued. Loyalty programs or repeat purchase discounts reward customers, encouraging them to keep coming back.
  • Clear out excess inventory: coupon codes can help manage inventory by encouraging the purchase of overstocked or seasonal items.
  • Boost average order value: discounts based on a minimum purchase amount can encourage customers to add more items to their cart to qualify for the discount. Bundling deals and volume discounts are effective ways to achieve this.
  • Create repeat purchases: giving discounts for future purchases motivates customers to return to your store. This type of coupon creates a cycle of repeat business, as customers feel they are getting value from their ongoing relationship with your brand. Email reminders and personalized discounts can improve this effect.

Catchy Coupon Code Examples

Coupon TypeCode Examples
Seasonal and HolidaysWINTER25, EASTER10, SUMMERFUN
First-Time Purchase DiscountsWELCOME10, FIRSTBUY5, NEW20
Loyalty ProgramsVIP20, LOYALTY5, RETURN15
Referral ProgramsREFER10, FRIENDS20, SHARE5
Abandoned CartsCOMEBACK20, SAVE10OFF, FINISH15
Personalized DiscountsJUSTFORYOU15, PICK20, YOURSAVE10
Exit-Intent DiscountsSTAY10, DONTGO15, SAVE5NOW
Newsletter SignupSUBSCRIBE20, JOIN10, NEWS15
Minimum Purchase DiscountsSPEND50SAVE10, GETMORE15, EXTRA20
Repeat PurchasesAGAIN10, REPEAT20, NEXTBUY15
Anniversary DiscountsTHANKYOU15, ANNIV20, YEARSAVE10
Volume DiscountsBUYMORE20, VOLUME15, BULK10
Survey Participation DiscountsSURVEY10, FEEDBACK5, RATEUS20
Customer Milestone DiscountsMILESTONE50, LOYAL100, REWARD20
Eco-Friendly DiscountsGREENCHOICE10, SAVEGREEN15, ECO20
Student and Military DiscountsSTUDENT10, MILITARY20, CAMPUS15
Charity-Based DiscountsDONATE10, CHARITY20, GIVEBACK15

1. Seasonal and Holiday Coupon Codes

Aligning your promotions with holidays and seasons can create urgency and capitalize on the festive shopping spirit. Holiday and seasonal discounts use the natural increase in customer spending during these times, making them highly effective.

Coupon Code Examples

See below an eye-catchy banner example with a coupon code offer from

Holiday Coupon Code Example

Other coupon code ideas for inspiration:

  • WINTER25 – 25% off during Winter Sale
  • EASTER10 – $10 off for Easter Specials
  • SUMMERFUN – 20% off Summer Essentials

Tip: Plan your seasonal campaigns well in advance and promote them through channels such as email, social media, and your website. Tailor the messaging to the theme of the holiday or season and keep inventory at a level that can meet the anticipated demand.

2. First-Time Purchase Coupon Codes

Encourage new visitors to make their first purchase with a discount. This type of coupon lowers the barrier to entry for new customers, making it easier for them to try out your products or services.

Code Examples

See below an eye-catchy banner example with a coupon code offer from

First-Time Purchase Coupon Code Example

Other coupon code ideas for inspiration:

  • WELCOME10 – 10% off for new customers
  • FIRSTBUY5 – $5 off on your first order
  • NEW20 – 20% off on the first purchase

Tip: Highlight the first-time purchase discount on your homepage and product pages. Use exit-intent popups to retain hesitant new visitors. The discount should be compelling enough to overcome any initial hesitation without impacting your margins to a wide degree.

3. Loyalty Program Coupon Codes

Reward repeat customers with exclusive discounts. This builds a stronger relationship and encourages more frequent purchases. Loyalty coupons not only reward customers but also make them feel valued and appreciated.

Coupon Code Ideas

See below an eye-catchy banner example with a coupon code offer from

Loyalty Program Coupon Example

Other coupon code ideas for inspiration:

  • VIP20 – 20% off for loyalty members
  • LOYALTY5 – $5 off for every $50 spent
  • RETURN15 – 15% off for returning customers

Tip: Use a robust loyalty program that tracks customer purchases and engagement. For example, personalized emails can notify loyal customers of their special discounts. Analyze the program’s effectiveness and adjust the rewards to keep them attractive and relevant.

4. Referral Discounts

Current customers can expand your reach with a bit of help from you. Referral discounts let you offer discounts to both the referrer and the referee – they get some sort of benefit from the referral code, but only when the referee completes a specific action. Referral discounts use the power of word-of-mouth marketing, as people usually trust recommendations from friends and family.

For instance, a rider-sharing business can give the referrer and referee $5 off their next trip after the referee installs the app and uses it once. 

Coupon Code Examples

See below a popup example with a referral discount from

Referral Coupon Code Example

Other coupon code ideas for inspiration:

  • REFER10 – $10 off for both referrer and referee
  • FRIEND20 – 20% off for you and your friend
  • SHARE5 – $5 off for each successful referral

Tip: Make the referral process as simple as possible. Use easy-to-share referral links or codes. Track the referrals to understand their impact on your sales and customer base.

5. Abandoned Cart Coupons

Recover lost sales by offering discounts to customers who have abandoned their shopping carts. You can set up an automated process that sends personalized emails to customers when it detects that they have closed their browser or mobile app without completing checkout. Note that customers must have an account and be logged in for such a feature to work.

Code Examples

See below a newsletter example with an abandoned cart coupon code from

Abandoned Cart Promo Code Example

Other coupon code ideas for inspiration:

  • COMEBACK20 – 20% off to complete the purchase
  • SAVE10OFF – $10 off abandoned carts
  • FINISH15 – 15% off to finalize your order

Tip: Set up automated email sequences to send abandoned cart reminders. Include a clear call-to-action and a compelling discount in the email. Personalize the email by including the items left in the cart and create a sense of urgency by mentioning limited stock or time-sensitive offers.

6. Social Media Exclusive Coupons

Boost your social media engagement by offering exclusive coupon codes to your followers. These exclusive offers reward your social media followers and encourage more people to follow your accounts. You can also use social media to promote and hold promo code giveaways, which further create customer engagement.

Coupon Code Ideas

  • INSTADEAL15 – 15% off through Instagram
  • FBEXCLUSIVE20 – 20% off through Facebook
  • SOCIAL5 – $5 off for social media followers

Tip: Use eye-catching graphics, GIFs, videos, and captions. Run social media ads to reach a broader audience and encourage them to follow your page for access to exclusive offers.

7. Flash Sales and Limited-Time Offers

Create urgency and excitement with timed offers. These promotions use the fear of missing out (FOMO), prompting customers to act quickly and benefit from the flash sale, limited-time offer (LTO), or seasonal deal.

Code Examples

See below a banner example with a flash sale coupon code from

Flash Sale Coupon Code Example

Other coupon code ideas for inspiration:

  • FLASHSALE50 – 50% off for the next 24 hours
  • LIMITED25 – 25% off this weekend only
  • QUICK15 – 15% off for the next 12 hours

Tip: Promote flash sales ahead of time to build anticipation. Use countdown timers on your website to highlight the short time available. Make sure your website can handle increased traffic during the sale to avoid causing frustration. Follow up with customers post-purchase via email to encourage reviews and repeat purchases.

8. Bundle Deals

Increase the average order value by offering discounts on product bundles. Bundling is particularly effective for complementary products, such as pizza and beer, or shampoos and hair conditioners. Bundles are attractive to customers as complimentary products are naturally attractive, and the associated discount can be the needed incentive to purchase.

Coupon Code Ideas

See below a banner example with a bundle coupon code from

Bundle Coupon Code Example

Other coupon code ideas for inspiration:

  • BUNDLE30 – 30% off on bundles
  • COMBO20 – save 20% when buying two or more items
  • PACKDEAL15 – 15% off selected bundles

Tip: Select products that naturally go well together for your bundles and communicate the savings customers will get from purchasing the bundle. Highlight the bundles on your product pages and use cross-selling tactics to suggest them to customers.

9. Personalized Coupon Codes

Tailor your offers based on customer behavior and preferences. Personalized discounts make customers feel valued and understood, increasing their likelihood of making a purchase. Use browsing histories and past purchases from customer accounts to create a personalized and automated emailing system that caters to personal preferences.

Coupon Code Examples

  • JUSTFORYOU15 – 15% off recommended items
  • PICK20 – 20% off on your favorites
  • YOURSAVE10 – $10 off your preferred products

Tip: Use data analytics to track customer behavior and preferences. Segment your audience based on their purchase history and browsing behavior and send personalized emails with special discounts and recommendations, making the shopping experience more relevant and enjoyable.

10. Exit-Intent Coupons

Capture potential customers right before they leave your site with a convincing offer. This last-minute incentive can turn hesitant visitors into buyers. However, keep in mind that popups have to be relevant and useful. Otherwise, they’ll just annoy and make the customer want to leave that much more.

Code Examples

See below a popup example with an exit-intent coupon code from

Exit-Intent Coupon Code Example

Other coupon code ideas for inspiration:

  • STAY10 – $10 off if you stay and shop
  • DONTGO15 – 15% off to keep shopping
  • SAVE5NOW – $5 off before you leave

Tip: Exit-intent technology can trigger popups when customers are about to leave. Make the popup design clean and the message straightforward. Highlight the value of the discount and use persuasive language to encourage customers to complete their purchases.

11. Newsletter Signup Discounts

Encourage visitors to join your email list with a discount on their next or first purchase. This tactic can drive immediate sales and help build a valuable email list for future marketing efforts. We advise not sending any newsletters to customers that haven’t explicitly given their consent. On one side, it will just cause them to flag the email for spam and damage your domain rating; on the other side, it’s illegal.

Code Examples

See below a popup example with a newsletter signup discount from

Newsletter Signup Discount Example

Other coupon code ideas for inspiration:

  • SUBSCRIBE20 – 20% off when signing up for the newsletter
  • JOIN10 – $10 off for new subscribers
  • NEWS15 – 15% off your next order

Tip: Place signup forms in visible locations on your website, such as the homepage, footer, and checkout page. Communicate the benefits of subscribing, such as exclusive coupon codes and early access to sales, and test different copy versions to see which performs best.

12. Minimum Purchase Coupon Codes

Motivate customers to complete larger purchases by offering discounts on orders that meet a minimum value. This strategy encourages customers to add more items to their cart to qualify for the discount, raising the average order value, which offsets the money lost via the discount.

Coupon Code Examples

See below an eye-catchy banner example with a minimum purchase coupon code from

Minimum Purchase Coupon Code Example

Other coupon code ideas for inspiration:

  • SPEND50SAVE10 – $10 off on orders over $50
  • GETMORE15 – 15% off on orders over $100
  • EXTRA20 – extra 20% off on orders over $150

Tip: Set the minimum purchase threshold slightly above your current average order value to encourage higher spending. Use upselling and cross-selling techniques to convince customers to reach the minimum amount. Remind customers of the offer as they add items to their cart.

13. Repeat Purchase Coupons

Encourage customers to return by offering discounts on their next purchase. Repeat purchase coupons create customer loyalty and increase the lifetime value of each customer. As a bonus, a happy customer is likelier to recommend more customers through word-of-mouth.

Coupon Code Ideas

See below some coupon code ideas for inspiration:

  • AGAIN10 – 10% off the next order
  • REPEAT20 – $20 off the second purchase
  • NEXTBUY15 – 15% off your next purchase

Tip: Include the repeat purchase coupon in the order confirmation or shipping confirmation email. Personalize the message by thanking the customer for their purchase and encouraging them to shop again. Track the effectiveness of these coupons and adjust the discount value if needed.

14. Birthday Discounts

Celebrate your customers’ birthdays with a special discount. Birthday discounts create a personal connection and make customers feel special. You can also get customers to sign up for your loyalty program by using the promo code.

Code Examples

See below a newsletter example with a birthday coupon code from

Birthday Coupon Code Example

Other coupon code ideas for inspiration:

  • HAPPYBIRTHDAY25 – 25% off during your birthday month
  • BIRTHDAY5 – $5 off on your birthday
  • BDAY10 – 10% off to celebrate your birthday

Tip: Collect birthdate information during the account signup process or through a customer survey. Automate the sending of birthday discount emails and personalize the email with a warm message highlighting the special offer.

15. Anniversary Coupon Codes

Anniversary coupons reinforce your customers’ relationship with your brand. You can celebrate the anniversary of your customers’ first purchase, the date they created their account, the date they joined your newsletter, or more, with a unique offer.

Code Examples

See below some coupon code ideas for inspiration:

  • THANKYOU15 – 15% off on their anniversary
  • ANNIV20 – $20 off for your loyalty
  • YEARSAVE10 – 10% off on your anniversary

Tip: For example, track the date of each customer’s first purchase. Send an automated anniversary email with the special offer and personalize the message by showing gratitude for their loyalty. Consider including a small gift or other incentive for extra impact.

16. Free Shipping Coupons

Offer free shipping to remove one of the most common barriers to online shopping. Free shipping is a highly effective incentive, as 80% of customers expect to avoid shipping costs when purchasing above a price threshold (according to the 2021 Consumer Trends Report by JungleScout). In fact, 66% of consumers think that all online orders should have free delivery.

Coupon Code Examples

See below an eye-catchy banner example with a free shipping coupon code from

Free Shipping Coupon Code Example

Other coupon code ideas for inspiration:

  • SHIPFREE – Free shipping on all orders over $50
  • FREESHIP100 – Free shipping on orders over $100
  • NOSHIP – Free shipping on your next order

Tip: Set a minimum purchase requirement to ensure the promotion is cost-effective. Promote the free shipping offer prominently on your website, especially on the homepage and product pages. Combine free shipping with other discounts to create compelling bundle deals.

17. Volume Discounts

Volume discounts increase the average order value and can help clear out inventory. Encourage bulk purchases by offering discounts on higher quantities – the more a customer buys, the less they’ll pay for each unit of product. This way, you increase sales volume without affecting profit margins. Another way to use volume discounts is through “buy one, get one” deals (BOGO) – you can add complimentary products to orders or give customers discounts if they purchase more than 1 piece of an item.

Coupon Code Ideas

See below a banner example with a BOGO discount from

BOGO Coupon Code Example

Other coupon code ideas for inspiration:

  • BUYMORE20 – 20% off on orders of 5 or more items
  • VOLUME15 – 15% off when buying in bulk
  • BULK10 – $10 off on bulk orders

Tip: Identify products that are suitable for bulk buying, such as consumables or frequently purchased items. Communicate the discount structure and the savings customers can achieve. Use upselling techniques to suggest additional items that complement the bulk purchase.

18. Mystery Discounts

Add an element of surprise by offering mystery discounts. Mystery discounts create excitement and intrigue, encouraging customers to complete a certain action to see what discount they received. For example, you can create an animated wheel that customers can spin for free, which has multiple discount percentages. This gamification of getting the discount can increase the chance of the customer engaging with your brand and following through on using the discount.

Code Examples

See below a newsletter example with a mystery discount code from

Mystery Coupon Code Example

Other coupon code ideas for inspiration:

  • MYSTERYDEAL – A surprise deal for products in customers’ “favorites” list
  • WINNER20 – Mystery discount up to 20% off
  • SURPRISE10 – Up to $10 off your order

Tip: Promote the mystery discount on your website and through marketing channels. Make the discount appealing enough to motivate purchases. For example, use engaging visuals and copy to intensify the sense of mystery. Track the performance of mystery discounts to measure customer interest.

19. Survey Participation Discounts

Encourage customer engagement and gather feedback by offering discounts for completing surveys. This type of coupon provides a discount and also helps you understand your customers better.

Code Examples

See below a newsletter example with a survey participation discount from

Survey Coupon Code Example

Other coupon code ideas for inspiration:

  • SURVEY10 – 10% off for completing a survey
  • FEEDBACK5 – $5 off your next purchase after survey participation
  • RATEUS20 – 20% off for providing feedback

Tip: Keep your surveys short and relevant to encourage participation. Communicate the value of the feedback you are asking for and how it will be used to improve the customer experience. Promote the survey through email, social media, and your website. 

20. Customer Milestone Discounts

Reward customers for reaching milestones such as spending a certain amount or making multiple purchases. Milestone discounts recognize customer loyalty and encourage continued engagement. You can also choose milestones relating to the length of the relationship between your brand and the customer, a commemoration of their subscription, or something else.

Coupon Code Examples

See below some coupon code ideas for inspiration:

  • MILESTONE50 – $50 off after spending $500
  • LOYAL100 – $100 off after 10 purchases
  • REWARD20 – 20% off after spending $200

Tip: Create milestones that align with your business goals. Communicate the milestones and rewards to customers through email and your website. Personalize the milestone messages to celebrate the customer’s achievement and monitor the effectiveness of these discounts to adjust the milestones if needed.

21. Mobile App Exclusive Coupon Codes

Encourage the use of your mobile app with app-only discounts. Mobile app exclusive coupons drive app downloads and increase customer engagement through your app.

Coupon Code Ideas

See below a banner example with an app-exclusive coupon code from

App Coupon Code Example

Other coupon code ideas for inspiration:

  • APPEXCLUSIVE20 – 20% off on mobile app purchases
  • APPDEAL10 – $10 off when shopping via the app
  • MOBILE15 – 15% off exclusive to the app

Tip: Promote the app-exclusive discounts through your website, email, and social media. Highlight the benefits of using your mobile app, such as convenience and exclusive offers. Track app downloads and usage to measure the impact of the promotion.

22. Event Attendance Coupons

Offer discounts to attendees of your online or offline events. Event attendance coupons create a sense of community and reward engagement, motivating customers to keep engaging with your brand in the future. 

Code Examples

See below some coupon code ideas for inspiration:

  • EVENTSPECIAL15 – 15% off for event attendees
  • SHOW10 – $10 off after attending the show
  • WEBINAR20 – 20% off for webinar participants

Tip: Promote the discount during the event and in follow-up communications. Personalize the offer by mentioning the specific event. Use the discount as an incentive for future event attendance and track the redemption of event attendance coupons to measure their impact.

23. Eco-Friendly Discounts

Promote sustainable shopping by offering discounts on eco-friendly products. Eco-friendly discounts appeal to environmentally conscious shoppers and improve your brand’s image on sustainability subjects.

Code Examples

See below a banner example from an X post with an eco-friendly coupon code for

Eco-Friendly Coupon Code Example

Other coupon code ideas for inspiration:

  • GREENCHOICE10 – 10% off eco-friendly items
  • SAVEGREEN15 – 15% off on sustainable products
  • ECO20 – 20% off eco-friendly choices

Tip: Promote the discount through targeted marketing campaigns aimed at environmentally conscious customers. Consider collaborating with eco-friendly organizations to amplify your message. Track the performance of eco-friendly discounts to understand customer preferences.

24. Student and Military Coupon Codes

Honor high school & college students and military personnel with special discounts. These discounts recognize and reward specific customer groups for their contributions and commitments. Other groups you can consider including are nurses, doctors, and teachers.

Coupon Code Examples

See below an example of a student discount page from

Student Discount Code Example

Other coupon code ideas for inspiration:

  • STUDENT10 – 10% off with student ID
  • MILITARY20 – 20% off for active and retired military
  • CAMPUS15 – 15% off for college students

Tip: Promote the discounts through popular channels, such as UNiDAYS and Student Beans for students, or and SheerID for military people. Personalize the messaging to reflect your company’s appreciation for their service or education pursuits.

25. Charity-Based Discounts

Encourage charitable activities by offering discounts tied to contributions. Charity-based discounts align your brand with social causes and appeal to socially conscious customers. The discount works by requiring shoppers to present proof of donations or other charitable efforts. The offer could also apply to members of charitable organizations.

Coupon Code Ideas

See below some coupon code ideas for inspiration:

  • DONATE10 – 10% off with proof of donation
  • CHARITY20 – 20% off when donating to charity
  • GIVEBACK15 – 15% off for charitable contributions

Tip: Consider partnering with reputable charities to improve the offer’s credibility. Communicate how customers can participate and benefit from the discount, and then promote the initiative through all your marketing channels.

How to Create Successful Coupon Campaigns

Start by clearly defining your objectives. Are you looking to attract new customers, reward loyal ones, clear out excess inventory, or boost your average order value? Understanding your goals will help you tailor your coupon campaigns. 

Once your objectives are set, design compelling and relevant coupon offers. Use clear, attractive language and make sure the discount is good enough to motivate customers but also make it sustainable for your business. Our research revealed that 73% of US consumers believe a worthwhile coupon should offer a 10-30% discount. Keep this in mind when brainstorming coupon code ideas.

  • Define objectives: whether it’s increasing sales, clearing inventory, or attracting new customers, your goals should be clear.
  • Set clear deadlines: urgency drives action. Add expiration dates to your coupons to encourage prompt use.
  • Don’t use common codes: avoid predictable codes like “WELCOME,” as seasoned shoppers know these by heart at this point. Such simple codes can be guessed and misused. Use randomized codes that encourage customers to engage with your brand and stay connected.
  • Optimize for mobile: your coupon campaigns should be easily accessible on mobile devices, which means writing text and creating visuals that display well on mobile, as well as using responsive web design principles.
  • Track and analyze: use analytics to measure the success of your campaigns and adjust as needed. You can track your efforts via Google Analytics, specific coupon marketing platforms, or other tools.


How Can I Create Effective Coupon Codes for My Ecommerce Store?

Start by defining your goals – whether it’s to attract new customers, retain existing ones, clear out inventory, or boost sales. Use clear and compelling language for the coupon code, and promote it through multiple channels such as email, social media, and your website. 

What Are the Best Practices for Promoting Coupon Codes?

Promote coupon codes via email marketing, social media platforms, and on your website. Use eye-catching visuals and persuasive messages to attract attention. Segment your audience to send targeted offers that are relevant to their preferences and past behaviors.

How Can I Track the Effectiveness of My Coupon Codes?

Use analytics tools to track the performance of your coupon codes. Monitor metrics such as redemption rates, average order value, and customer acquisition costs. Tools like Google Analytics, Shopify Analytics, or dedicated coupon tracking software can provide detailed insights. 

What Types of Discounts Are Most Appealing to Customers?

The most appealing discounts depend on your target audience and the nature of your products. Percentage discounts (e.g., 20% off), fixed amount discounts (e.g., $10 off), and free shipping are generally very effective. Personalized offers, loyalty rewards, and time-sensitive deals can also be highly appealing.

How Do I Make Sure My Coupon Codes Are Mobile-Friendly?

Write easy-to-read text, create simple navigation, and ensure quick load times for your website. Use mobile-friendly popups and banners to promote coupon codes. Consider developing a mobile app if you don’t already have one and offering exclusive discounts through it.

What Should I Do If a Customer Reports a Coupon Code Not Working?

First, verify whether the coupon code is valid and has not expired. Check if the customer meets any requirements, such as minimum purchase amount or product category restrictions. If the code should work but still isn’t, offer an alternative solution, such as a direct discount or a new code, and investigate why the issue happened.

Prioritize customer satisfaction whenever possible, as long as they aren’t trying to abuse the terms and conditions of the discount to get their way.

How Often Should I Update or Refresh My Coupon Codes?

You could update your codes at least every few months or in line with new marketing campaigns, seasons, or product launches. Frequent updates can also help you cater to changing customer preferences and market trends.

How Can Coupon Codes Build Long-Term Customer Relationships?

Use coupon codes as part of a broader loyalty program that rewards repeat purchases and long-term engagement. Offer personalized discounts based on customer behavior and past purchases. Engage with your customers through follow-up emails, surveys, and exclusive offers. By consistently providing value, you can build trust and foster lasting relationships.

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